Through extreme physicality, tantrums, and pigs, a young queer woman grapples with the messiness of being violated.

A gaze held too long, a dick pic in a DM, a hand behind the neck: Wah Wah Wah peels back the layers of violation. What happens if I love it and hate it at the same time? Did anything even happen? Am I remembering things correctly? Emerging Toronto creator and choreographer Celia Green tackles these questions around harassment.

Wah Wah Wah Collective:

Created and Performed by Celia Jade Green

Directed and Dramaturged by Bilal Baig

Lighting Design by Echo Zhou

Stage Managed by Jenna Borsato

Sound Design by Phoebe Wang

Composition by Maddie Bautista (for the Wildside Festival version onwards)

Vocal Coaching by Fides Krucker

Outside eye: Amy Nostbakken

photo by Tanja Tiziana


SummerWorks Performance Festival 2019 - Toronto, ON
Wildside Festival 2020 - Montreal, QC


SummerWorks/Theatre Centre Emerging Artist Award 2019 (Celia Green)
NOW Magazine Outstanding Production
NOW Magazine Outstanding Direction (Bilal Baig)