An interactive, site-specific game with four players and $1,000 cash – 4inXchange is a pop art business meeting that guides you through a series of dialogues, chances, competitions, and meditations. Use the cash on the table to get to know your fellow participants, while xLq ask provocative questions about value, intimacy, love, and truth. Returns and exchanges guaranteed.

Join xLq (Jordan Campbell and Maddie Bautista), two fabulous genderqueer aliens, for an experience of exchange and exploration guided by meeting facilitator Katherine Walker-Jones. Gather around a table containing $1000 in cash. Use the bills to get to know your fellow audience members, dive into the bizarre, and discover the cash in ways you could never have imagined. 4inXchange culminates in a unique payment process; be sure to bring some cash of your own.

“In this playful and insightful interactive piece that prompts a critical rethink of money and capitalism, four participants are led into a room containing $1000 cash. The process is very entertaining ... and will have you thinking deeply about your relationship to money, all while getting to know the other three audience members through this quirky financial lens.” 

-Jordan Bimm, NOW Magazine, NNNN

Created and performed by: Jordan Campbell, Maddie Bautista, and Katherine Walker-Jones

Developed with the support of Nightswimming.


SummerWorks Performance Festival 2018 - Toronto, ON
rEvolver Festival 2019 - Vancouver, BC
FemFest 2019 - Winnipeg, MB
Fergus Grand Theatre 2019-2020 season - Fergus, ON
The Registry Theatre 2019-2020 season - Kitchener, ON
Waterford Old Town Hall 2020 - Waterford, ON
Online Edition 2020 - lemonTree creations


NOW Magazine Audience Choice Award (SummerWorks 2018) 
Nightswimming 5 x 25 2017 Commission
Commissioned and developed with the support of Nightswimming.


SummerWorks review: 4inXchange - NOW Magazine